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Lay-By Policy

Lay-bys are offered on all Tailored Space products – please see below for the full terms and conditions.

- The lay-by period is for a maximum of 6 weeks

- A deposit must be a minimum of 30% of the total purchase value

- Weekly repayments are required at a minimum

- There are no returns or exchanges on lay-by items with the exception of faulty goods or in accordance with your legislated rights

- The customer or the store has the right to cancel a lay-by

- Customers will be contacted for all lay-bys not completed by the due date. 


- After the due date the lay-by can be canceled if the customer has not been able to be contacted and the customer will incur a cancellation charge (30% deposit).The cancellation charge is applied to compensate the retailers selling, storage, and administrative costs

- Any items placed on lay-by cannot be altered until the lay-by has been paid in full

- No items can be taken by the customer until the entire lay-by has been paid in full